Take Away Shows

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    • Take Away Shows

      ein besonderes Schmankerl für Freunde guter Indie Musik:

      das Prinzip ist simpel: diverse Interpreten werden mit ihren Instrumenten auf die straße, in den wald, wohin auch immer geschleift, wo sie dann 1,2,3 nummern live accoustic zum besten geben. genial :herz:

      About Takeawayshow.com

      You meet a band. You take them outside, in the streets, and ask them to play there, shoot the movie in one unique shot, whatever happens. Those are the Take-Away Shows, the weekly Video podcast from french weblog La Blogothèque.

      The Take Away Shows are a Video Podcast produced by the french weblog La Blogothèque. Every week, we give away a session, shot with a band, in an unusual, urban environment.

      Sessions are always filmed as a unique shot, without any cut, recorded live. We usually haven’t much time to record them, so the groups have to be spontaneous, to improvise, play with what they have with them, and with their environment, whether there’s a public or not.

      The Take Away Shows are produced by La Blogothèque, based on an original idea by Chryde and Vincent Moon. They are directed by Vincent Moon, and supported by Kidam, who lends us the cameras and shot some of the sessions.

      Our partner for the english version is the wonderful american site Daytrotter, who gives away twice week incredible audio sessions from the bands they love. Go and check their site !