The Dino Game, also known as T-Rex Runner, is an endless runner game hidden in Google Chrome. Developed by Sebastien Gabriel, Edward Jung, and Alan Bettes in 2014, it provides a way for users to pass the time when their internet is down. Players navigate a pixelated T-Rex through a desert, jumping over cacti and avoiding pterodactyls. The game speeds up as it goes on, challenging players’ reflexes. Despite its simplicity, the Dino Game has become a beloved feature of Chrome.
dinogame -
The Dino Game, also known as T-Rex Runner, is an endless runner game hidden in Google Chrome. Developed by Sebastien Gabriel, Edward Jung, and Alan Bettes in 2014, it provides a way for users to pass the time when their internet is down. Players navigate a pixelated T-Rex through a desert, jumping over cacti and avoiding pterodactyls. The game speeds up as it goes on, challenging players’ reflexes. Despite its simplicity, the Dino Game has become a beloved feature of Chrome.